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Couple Rings rules, traditions and history of the symbol of love

A symbol of love and commitment An expression of love and commitment, the engagement ring can be a sought-after and coveted gift! Are you sure that you are aware of the history behind it? Find out the history behind the tradition of the engagement ring that includes rules, history, and a touch of the etiquette!

As for the person receiving it as well as the one giving it, it can be fascinating to learn more about the engagement ring: rules, history, and customs that will help you understand what is behind the most sought-after jewel, the one that will lead you to commit to your eternal love and which you will wear next to the wedding ring. Before you even start fantasizing about the day in which you will exchange the fateful vows of marriage spend a few minutes to discover all the curiosities that surround this important piece of jewelry that is typically given by pronouncing unforgettable phrases of love.

What does the Couple Jewelry Sets symbolize? A little bit of the past

Already in the Middle Ages, giving and accepting an engagement ring was a way of creating a bond and the couple was committed to setting the date to make their vows. In the Age of Enlightenment the custom of secret rings took hold and, when broken into a number of pieces, were later joined to form the wedding ring. In the same time, the poetry rings, engraved with romantic phrases or poetic verses were also popular as a means of committing to the union.

The diamond engagement ring first appeared in the Victorian period. Before then, these rings were made from simple metal. According to the legend, Archduke Maximilian gave his beloved Mary Burgundy a gold engagement ring with diamonds set in it. From that moment on the ring was the official symbol for an engagement.

What's the news for today?

De Beers, a leader in the diamond industry, began a massive campaign in 1938 to promote the engagement ring. With the help of Hollywood singers and actresses the ad giant even suggested the amount to spend on the engagement ring: a month's salary and later two. It was in 1948 that copywriter Frances Gerety created the famous slogan for De Beers "A diamond lasts forever" that contributed to the spread of the diamond engagement ring all over the world, including in countries that did not have a diamond, such as Japan.

Inspiring tips from Etiquette

Etiquette recommends selecting jewelry that reflects the preferences and character of the person who will be receiving it. If the bride is planning a simple wedding, she might not appreciate a lavish object. In this case the family jewels can be utilized. They are able to be modernized or redesigned to enhance the sentimental value of the ring. According to the etiquette, the giving of the ring signifies the beginning of a sequence of occasions and traditions. The person who gives the ring will be presented with a bouquet that is delivered to the parents of the bride's parents, who will in turn give a similar gift. The traditions have been lost, but the common sense and politeness are still highly valued.

Engagement ring: when to give it

The customary engagement ring you've always wanted should be given one year prior to the wedding date. However, the rules have changed. There is no definitive rule. This doesn't mean you can give the engagement ring without a wedding proposal! However, this custom today has less of a rigid and more romantic significance and even timing. You should only do it when you are fully convinced and maybe even set an occasion that is special to you without forgetting that planning the wedding will take several months. You will determine the wedding date as soon as the diamond is put on the ring finger of your spouse.

Where should the engagement ring be put?

The instructions differ based on the country of origin. In Brazil, for example, both spouses wear a ring on the right hand which will be switched to the left the day of the wedding ceremony. The ring should always be worn on your finger for ring, no matter whether you are wearing it on your right or left hand. In the past, it was believed that the vein of the ring finger connected directly to the heart. In Italy, on the morning of the wedding, before the ceremony the engagement ring is to be moved to the finger that holds the ring on the right hand, leaving an open space to the left, for the wedding ring. It is common to wear both rings on the same finger, left hand, after the wedding ceremony.

After you have uncovered the history behind this precious jewel, the rules are, customs and traditions are all you need to do is relax and make the big leap. And don't fret about choosing the jewel, we are certain that the goldsmiths you will visit will be eager to show you the most unique engagement rings, and give you the best advice to leave your partner stunned.


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